(And no, that’s not hero spelt with too many R’s.)
Onto day 3 of my mindfulness diary entry. And coincidentally, my third app to write these posts. For anyone thinking of using the WordPress app to “quickly write your post”, I wouldn’t. Or maybe it’s just the default theme setting that came pre-installed. Either way, it’s not a good time. Like wet socks. And I’m not kink shaming the people that are into wet socks. I’m not going to yuck your yum. But, they’re not for me. Just like the default WordPress app.
Anywho, let’s get this ball rolling. Now, due to my insomnia, I haven’t been getting to bed until well after midnight. So, today I allowed myself a bit of a sleep in. Today’s morning entry wasn’t filled out until roughly 8am. But, the evening section was filled out whilst trying to wind down after trying to make the concious effort to play some guitar. Now, let’s knock over this entry so we can actually get to the list.
Today I am grateful for:
– Not working away from home.
One compliment i can give myself today:
– Good job remembering to wear your glasses yesterday before your eyes got too squinty.
What are my key focus points for today?
– To try and start writing my list of things I’d like to do in 2025 in my down time at work.
How will I achieve this?
– Getting on top of my workload straight away.
What areas of my life have I been neglecting and how can I focus on them today?
– My lungs. I’ve abused my lungs for most of my 20s. I can give them some loving by doing what I’ve been doing the last 2 days and dialing back on what’s left of my last vape.
What did I learn today?
– That if I turn the wrong tuner on the guitar, the string that I’m staring at will not adjust. I mean, who would’ve known? 🤦♂️
What positive things happened today?
– I managed to find some extra time today compiling a list of:
-Things I’d like to accomplish/challenge myself with in 2025
– Experiences I’d like to do
And no. I did not divide them up and categorise them. Let’s just start with the content. I can always pretty this up later. Thinking and writing them to begin with was enough. And I swear, if I get to bed after 12am again, It’ll be Floss I’ll be using to blindfold myself. And not a shoelace.
Self reflection:
I’m pretty chuffed with myself. In regards to documenting all of this stuff. One of my favourite things in the world is stories. When I was younger, I had the “standard Australian dream” of wanting to buy a house and “get set up in life”. But like my time at university preparing to study a degree that “i would be perfect for”, I became to realise that I never even wanted to do it to begin with. Everyone i knew said that “going to university is essential and you won’t get a good job without one”. So since people said that I’d be a good nurse, I enrolled into nursing. And whilst studying to begin this degree, I trusted my gut. And ultimately didn’t go ahead with it. And man, did I cop some flack. But looking back now, I’m so glad I never went ahead with it. I can’t think of anything worse than doing something that I didn’t want to personally do. Just because others said “I’d be good at it”. I can’t imagine my life any other way, and I’m happy that it’s gifted me with more stories than I could poke a stick at.
Like always, I have no idea what it is I’m supposed to write in this section. But, I am extremely happy that I decided to finally take the leap of faith. I’ve always wanted to do this for years. We’ll cover the origin story in another post. Even if nobody ever reads this, I can say it’s something that I whole heartedly did. And it’s one of those things that I can cross off my bucket list. But most importantly, it can be a reference for me that I can look back on. That even tho I have no idea about anything in my life. I still tried to be the best version of myself. And that is all I could ever ask for.
Alright. With the mindfulness entry out of the way. Let’s get into this list. Now, fair warning, it’s all over the shop. I’ll have to categorise them tomorrow. And I need to figure out how I’d set this up so it’s obtainable in a realistic way. If not, we can make adjustments. Now we’ll present the list, and then I’ll comment on it. Also, there isn’t any kind of order.
- Halloween in Japan
- Scuba diving license
- Be able to competently play and sing atleast 15 songs on guitar
- Go paragliding
- Learn to surf
- Explore the table lands – wedding – October
- Upgrade motor cycle license
- Trainer and assesor cert
- Moreton Island
- Sprint triathlon
- Sky diving
- Stay at o’reileys one weekend
- Helicopter trial flight
- Learn to read sheet music
- Fraser Island – end of may
- Hunter Valley – wedding – June
- Finish a 5km run in 25 minutes
- Learn to draw/paint
- Do more Astrophotography. Atleast once per month?
- Take my little sister camping atleast twice
- Train with my little brother atleast 50 times
- Build, design and help develop our family businesses
- Take singing lessons so I sound better than a hamster in a microwave
- Learn how to do atleast 1 ballroom dance
- Consume no soft drink
- No smoking or vaping
- Do a rock climb at Kangaroo point
- Be able to swim 1 Kilometre without needing someone to give me CPR
- Only consume alcohol on special occasions (Now, I’m going to mark Halloween in Japan as a special occasion. On a Saturday night because you’re bored and your mate asks you to go to the pub definitely is not a special occasion)
- Get down to 10% body fat
Now. I know what you’re thinking. That’s a bloody big list. And it is. So I’m going to pick a couple to begin with. And I’m going to make up some kind of system. Whether or not I spin a wheel once per month and I go and do something like “Go sky diving”. Up until the wheel is gone and i need to brainstorm a new list. But until then, let’s chip away at this.
I’ll also have to switch to videos to cover more ground. Writing these is ridiculously time consuming. And then i can just use software to type up a transcript, for those that don’t like watching videos. I might even have to swap to posting every 2nd day perhaps. And then having a big debrief at the end of each week.
I’d also love to create some kind of RPG like system. Where daily tasks are given out, and I accumulate experience points. I’ve done this in the past, and it was a way to make mundane tasks funner. And I felt it also helped me want to do more tasks so I could “level up” faster. So I’m thinking this will be a cross between a solo leveling style approach and dungeons and dragons. Oh, and a reward system. I mean, rewards make for good motivation aswell.
As an example, a requirement for being able to buy a new guitar priced at $1000-$1500 might consist of:
- Playing guitar 90 days in a row
- Having a performance skill of +10
- Logging 45 hours of guitar playing for the year
- Being able to play 8 complete songs
More examples. The more time I spend in the gym doing strength training, the more “Professions” I’ll unlock. Professions would just translate to more activities, such as rock climbing etc.
Now why would you do something like that you ask? Why wouldn’t you just start rock climbing straight away?
Fantastic question. Simply put, I need to slow down and take my time to not put myself at risk of injury. For those that don’t know, I have a fair amount of muscle and joint health problems. But, that’s another post. I’ve suffered from 6 dislocations in each shoulder. An ACL and a meniscus tear in my left knee. And I also got hit by a car. All of this, before I was 20. So to build my body up for activities, I feel like a “unlock” approach is beneficial because it helps me solidify the idea of being ready before just jumping in.
Now, i believe we will cut it here for tonight’s post. It’s already been over 2 hours since i started typing this post. But, I will endeavour to try and get a system solidified by the end of the 1st week of January.
Now, if you’ve managed to make it this far, here’s your reward. A Tok tik I hope you can relate to. and i don’t know if you (who ever is reading) this needs to hear this today, but the world is a better place with you in it.
Zee out 🤙