🎮 The XP Level System

Gamifying My Life!

Welcome to my personal adventure! 🎮

Like an RPG-style game, I’ll earn XP (Experience Points) for activities that improve my skills, fitness, and personal growth.

As I progress, I unlock new levels, subclasses, and rewards!

📜 Main XP Categories

I earn XP in five main areas:

Area Focus
🏃 Stamina Kilometers run
📖 Knowledge Time spent reading
🎸 Artistry Time spent playing guitar
⚖️ Endurance Weight loss

🏆 Level System & Titles

Each level unlocks a new title inspired by anime, RPGs, and fantasy lore.

Level Range Title Total XP Needed
1 – 5 Novice Wanderer 500 XP
6 – 10 Adventurer 1,000 XP
11 – 15 Elite Challenger 2,000 XP
16 – 20 Legendary Hero 3,000 XP
21+ Apex Warrior 5,000+ XP

🎭 Subclass System

Each skill has its own subclass progression.

NOTE. Some rewards require a subclass level to be able to redeem

🏃 Stamina (KM Run) Subclasses

Title Hours Read XP Earned

Rookie Runner

50 Km Total 100 XP

Trail Blazer

100 Km Total 250 XP


250 Km Total 500 XP
Speed Demon 5 Km in 25 Minutes 750 XP

📚 Knowledge (Reading) Subclasses

Title Hours Read XP Earned

Apprentice Scholar

10 Hours 100 XP

Lore Master

30 Hours 250 XP

Arcane Sage

75 Hours 500 XP
Grandmaster Archivist 150 Hours 750 XP

🎸 Artistry (Guitar) Subclasses

Title Hours Played XP Earned

Wandering Bard

10 Hours 100 XP

Melodic Minstrel

30 Hours 250 XP

Virtuoso Shredder

75 Hours 500 XP
Maestro of Sound 150 Hours 750 XP

⚖️Endurance (Weight Loss) Subclasses

Title KG Lost XP Earned

Aspiring Challenger

2 KG 100 XP

Battle-Hardened Fighter

5 KG 250 XP

Shredder of Limits

8KG 500 XP
Shadow Blade of Aesthetics 10% Bodyfat 750 XP

💪 Strength (Exercise) Subclasses


Title Hours Exercised XP Earned

Iron Novice

20 Hours 100 XP

Titan Ascendant

75 Hours 250 XP

Juggernaut Champion

150 Hours 500 XP
God of War 250+ Hours 750 XP

📷 Creativity (Astrophotography) Subclasses

Title Astro Sessions XP Earned

Celestial Observer

5 Sessions 100 XP

Star Seeker

10 Sessions 250 XP

Cosmic Visionary

20 Sessions 500 XP
Galactic Master 30 Sessions 750 XP

🏊 Swimming (Recovery-Focused) Subclasses

Title KM Swum XP Earned

Water Novice

1 KM total 100 XP

Tide Rider

5 KM total 250 XP

Ocean Strider

10 KM total 500 XP
Aqua Champion 20 KM total 750 XP

🎁 XP Rewards

Unlockable Activities

Special rewards unlock at specific XP milestones

XP Earned Unlocks Requirement

500 XP

Moreton Island Trip🏝️ None

1000 XP

Go Sky Diving🪂 None

1500 XP

Go Paragliding🏔️ None
2000 XP Weekend at O’Reillys🏕️ None
2500 XP Surfing Lessons🏄‍♂️ Must be atleast Tide Rider in Swimming Subclass
3000 XP Buy a New Guitar🎸 Must be atleast Melodic Minstrel in Music Subclass
3500 XP Scuba Diving License🤿 Must be atleast Ocean Strider in Swimming Subclass
4000 XP Helicopter Trial Flight🚁 Must be atleast level 3, in 3 different subclasses
5000 XP Buy a New Motorcycle🏍️ Must be atleast level 3, in all subclasses


🔥 Bonus XP for Pushing My Limits

Challenge XP Earned
Perform a song in front of people +50 XP
Try a new extreme sport +75 XP
Go 30 days with no soft drinks +50 XP
Go a full month without alcohol +50 XP
Do an intense outdoor hike (10KM+) +75 XP
Train with my little brother 10 times in one month +50 XP
Learn to hold a handstand for 10 seconds (unassisted) +75 XP
Be able to do 10 full range of motion chin ups (unassisted) +75 XP
Be able to hold a plank for 5 minutes +75 XP
No vaping for 7 days +50 XP
No vaping for 14 days +100 XP
No vaping for 30 days +200 XP
Use photography equipment outside of astrophotography (e.g., portraits, landscapes, wildlife, urban shots etc) +25 XP per session
Submit a photography piece to a competition or online gallery +50 XP
Try a completely new hobby or skill +50 XP
Attend a social event alone and meet new people +50 XP
Volunteer for a cause or charity event +50 XP
Join a group class (e.g., dance, martial arts, improv) +75 XP
Speak publicly or present something to a group +100 XP
Face a personal fear (e.g., heights, deep water, social situations)  +100 XP
Take part in a competition event (race, tournament, challenge, etc)  +100 XP
Go on an unplanned solo adventure for the day +50 XP
Run a 5K in under 30 minutes +50 XP
Cycle 20K for the first time +50 XP
Read a book outside of your usual interests +25 XP
Read a full book in one week +50 XP
Write and play your own song on guitar +150 XP


💎 Final Thoughts

This system gamifies my real-life progression and keeps me motivated and accountable. The goal? Become the ultimate Apex Warrior while unlocking epic experiences along the way.


Let the adventure begin! 🎮🔥